Can you help us nurture a nation of young jazz musicians?
Your donation, of any size, will help us to support more musicians like those in our case studies.
£20 could provide transport for a young musician facing rural isolation in Cumbria to attend a residential jazz course.
£50 could provide an hour’s 1:1 mentoring to an emerging professional musician, for example to accelerate skills progression, or provide specialist counselling for performance anxiety.
£100 could provide a bursary for a young musician in Woolwich to attend a NYJO holiday course spending 4 days developing composition and improvisation skills.
Thank you so much for your support. If you’re able to make a recurring donation, have you considered joining our Friends of NYJO, to get closer to our work while supporting a good cause?
NYJO Stories:
Olivia Murphy
Having first joined NYJO as an under 18 musician attending our Saturday sessions, Olivia now leads her own Saturday group at Woolwich Works. Read all about her NYJO journey to get there!

Other ways to give:

Friends of NYJO
Find out more about how joining the Friends of NYJO can make a difference to young musicians around the UK, and enjoy backstage access, event invitations and more!

Artist Sponsors
Our Artist Sponsors associate themselves with their favourite section of the ensemble, supporting our emerging professional musicians to develop the skills they need to build a successful portfolio career.

Chair’s Circle
Our Chair’s Circle members can get close to NYJO at the highest level, their support of our work extending beyond philanthropy for a uniquely rewarding association.

Legacy Giving
Armstrong, Fitzgerald, Davis: they all left incredible legacies to jazz. Can you help us develop the next generation of jazz greats by leaving NYJO a gift in your will?