Get in touch

If you would like to contact a member of staff directly, head over to Our Team page now!

For all general inquiries, please fill in the form below.

Office and rehearsals

Contact Us

The Fireworks Factory
Woolwich Works
11 No. 1 Street
SE18 6HD

Telephone: 0330 500 2000

Email: [email protected]

Report a concern

At NYJO, we want everyone to feel welcome, safe and that their identity and individuality is fully respected.

It is never okay for a member of the NYJO team (band member, staff, artists, educators or young people) to be treated in a way that has made them feel uncomfortable, uneasy, disrespected, or fearful. We believe that bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct are unacceptable, and we will do our best to ensure it has no presence in our organisation.

If you are worried about any incident, you should record the details on this form which upon submission will reach the Designated Safeguarding Officer and Chief Executive. These reports can be done anonymously, will not reflect on you as a member of this organisation and will be followed up on with as much care as possible.

Report a concern